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Career Center

    The Job Postings section of our website is a service offered to SHRM Topeka members for a 30-day period. The Job Postings are offered as a member benefit, therefore, there is no charge to SHRM Topeka members. Non-SHRM Topeka members may also post jobs for free as long as they are HR-related positions. SHRM Topeka members can post any type of position.

    To add your job posting to the site, click on the "Submit Job for Listing" link below. After entering your information, click "submit". When you click on "submit" the posting will be e-mailed to the website administrator for approval and then posted on the website. When placing a job posting, please be sure to enter contact information for interested parties. 

    SHRM Topeka will not be responsible for contacting employers or interested parties regarding a job posting once the posting is on the website. Unless contacted otherwise, the job posting will automatically get deleted after 30 days.

    Director of Human Resources - DCCCA

    HR Specialist - Brewster Place

    HR Business Partner - BCBSKS

    Employee Relations Specialist - BCBSKS

    Workforce & Leadership Development Facilitator - BCBSKS

    Click here to submit a job for listing