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    Training Session: Internal Investigations

    Date: April 25, 2019, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
    The Brownstone
    4020 NW 25th St
    $30 SHRM Topeka Members/$60 non-SHRM Topeka members
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    Topic:       HR Investigations

    Employers are required to investigate complaints of harassment and discrimination – and take prompt appropriate corrective action. This interactive program will provide the elements of a good workplace investigations program and then focus on interviewing strategies and techniques to get witness cooperation. The added bonus is that these skills translate to all aspects of employer decision-making and problem solving, ranging from addressing bullying to discipline/termination to exploring reasonable accommodations. Attendees will participate in exercises designed to help them ask better questions involving situations typically encountered in the workplace and apply the information gained to determine a course of action.

    Speaker:  Kathy Perkins - Kathy Perkins LLC

    Kathy Perkins has counseled private and public employers in all aspects of employment law including discharge; illegal discrimination and harassment; employee handbooks, contracts and policies; performance management; wage and hour issues; employee leave; accommodations for disabilities; privacy; defamation, protection of trade secrets, affirmative action compliance and union interaction. She has broad experience defending employers in all types of employment litigation.

    Kathy’s focus is on reducing the risk of employment litigation, and she frequently conducts seminars and training sessions for all levels of employees. She directs internal workplace investigations and is a trained mediator of employment disputes.

    Kathy was a Managing Member of the Constangy, Brooks & Smith LLC Kansas City office for nearly six years and continues to work with that firm on an of counsel basis. She was a shareholder with Stinson, Mag & Fizzell in Kansas City from 1996 to 2002 and prior to that was a partner of Stoel Rives LLP in its Boise, Idaho office.

    Cost:  $30 for SHRM - Topeka Members that pre-register on the website
              $35 for SHRM - Topeka Members that do not pre-register
              $60 for non SHRM - Topeka Members that pre-register on the website
              $65 for non SHRM - Topeka Members that do not pre-register

    Approved for 2.5 hours of SHRM and HRCI Recertification Credits

    Click here to register