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Event Details

    Training Session: Risks & Benefits of Social Media Use for Business

    Date: November 13, 2014, 1:15pm – 3:30pm
    SHRM - Topeka Chapter
    Capitol Plaza Hotel
    The Emerald Ballroom (located in the hotel)
    1717 SW Topeka Blvd
    Topeka, KS 66612
    $25 for SHRM - Topeka members; $50 for non-members
    Event Type:
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    Immediately following our monthly chapter meeting, please plan to attend this training session to find out about risks and opportunities businesses face when they embrace the use of social media. Learning how to effectively maximize the use of social media for attracting potential employees and for professional development and networking of current employees. To be presented by Ben Smith – Director, Social and Emerging Media, Callahan Creek Inc.

    Register for training session